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Amazing Sick Stunts - Bike Stunters Damn Awesome

História... / History...

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1.1.2008 - Sme založili tento clan

3.1.2008 - Sme do galérie pridali ďalši fotky

4.1.2008 - Sme prijali člena DarKaSa

9.1.2008 - Sme prijali člena Tommyho

18.1.2008 - Nové video "SPÁVY"

18.1.2008 - Nové video "BIKE STUNTS"

18.1.2008 - Nové video "EASTER EGGY"

22.1.2008 - Nás opustil člen DarKaS

22.1.2008 - Sme prijali nového člena Moris51

23.1.2008 - Sme pridali nové video pre V.I.P členov

25.1.2008 - Pre nás Moris51 natočil video a tak sa stáva V.I.P členom

28.1.2008 - Sme pridali nové stunt video od Siriusa

30.1.2008 - Sme pridali nové video "HALUŠKY"

30.1.2008 - Sirius sa nasral na clan a robil si z neho poriadnu prdel

1.2.2008 - Sme sa spriatelili s clanom [MP]

1.2.2008 - S nami clan [MP] Založil Server

2.2.2008 - Sme si vytvorili ikonku:

3.2.2008 - Sme sa spriatelili s clanom [MR]

5.2.2008 - Sme prijali nového člena do clanu Le1ta a navzdy sa za to budeme hanbit

9.2.2008 - Sme zrušili priateľstvo s klanom [MP] a takisto aj server

10.2.2008 - Sme pridali nové video "BIKE STUNTS 2"

12.2.2008 - Sirius vyhodil člena Le1ta z klanu pre nechuť k tomuto členovi a preto ze je maximalny maricón a buzniacik

13.2.2008 - Sme pridali nové screeny a pridali link na Siriusove video na YouTube

13.2.2008 - Sme pridali nove Siriusove stunt video :go check it out or screw yourself:

18.2.2008 - Sme si znova vytvorili server

29.2.2008 - Nás opustil člen Moris51

29.2.2008 - Sme prijali nového člena, ktorý sa vola Sub, dúfame, že čoskoro natočí video

3.3.2008 - Sme prijali nového člena, ktorý sa vola Fear, dúfame, že čoskoro natočí video

3.3.2008 - Sme prijali nového člena, ktorý sa vola Nuke Style, dúfame, že čoskoro natočí video

3.3.2008 - Sme pridali Anglicky jazyk

3.3.2008 - Sme prijali nového člena, ktorý sa volá Sampen, dúfame, že čoskoro natočí video

3.3.2008 - Nás opustil člen Tommy

15.3.2008 - Sme pridali nové video "CRAZY JUMPS"


1.1.2008 - We created this clan

3.1.2008 - We added new pictures in Gallery

4.1.2008 - We accepted member DarKaS

9.1.2008 - We accepted member Tommy

18.1.2008 - New video "SPÁVY"

18.1.2008 - New video  "BIKE STUNTS"

18.1.2008 - New video  "EASTER EGGS"

22.1.2008 - Our member DarKaS left.

22.1.2008 - We accepted member Moris51

23.1.2008 - We added new video for V.I.P members

25.1.2008 - Moris51 made a video for us and became a V.I.P

28.1.2008 - We added new Sirius' Stunt video

30.1.2008 - We added new video "HALUŠKY"

30.1.2008 - Sirius was pissed off and was making fun of a clan

1.2.2008 - We made friends with clan[MP]

1.2.2008 - We created a server with [MP] clan

2.2.2008 - We created an icon:

3.2.2008 - We made friends with [MR] clan

5.2.2008 - We accepted new member Le1to and we will forever regret this

9.2.2008 - We cancelled friendship with[MP] clan as well as server

10.2.2008 - We added new video "BIKE STUNTS 2"

12.2.2008 - Sirius kicked out member Le1to because he is unbelievable motherfucker, faggot and maximum Maricón

13.2.2008 - We added new screens and link for Sirius' stunt video on YouTube

13.2.2008 - We added another new Sirius' stunt video :go check it out or screw yourself:

18.2.2008 - We created server again

29.2.2008 - Member Moris51 left us.

29.2.2008 - We accepted new member Sub, we are hoping that he will soon make a video

3.3.2008 - We accepted new member Fear, we are hoping that he will soon make a video

3.3.2008 - We accepted new member Nuke Style, we are hoping that he will soon make a video

3.3.2008 - We added English language

3.3.2008 - We accepted new member Sampen, we are hoping that he will soon make a video

3.3.2008 - Member Tommy left us

 15.3.2008 - We added new video "CRAZY JUMPS"

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